Current projects
Break Free
FAWEMA in partnership with Plan International and SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) is implementing a 5 year advocacy program from January 2021 – 2025.
Innovation in Health Rights and Development (iHEARD)
IHEARD is a 5 year project from September, 2021 to March 31, 2026 being implemented in Malawi...
Addressing the Learning Crisis Through Systems Strengthening
This is a 3 year project from October 2022 to March 2024 with funding from Education Out Loud...
Our Impact Footprints
Girls Empowerment through Education and Health Activity (ASPIRE)
Aspire was a 4 year –USAID funded project implemented in Balaka and Machinga districts from December 2014 to December 2018.
Reducing Teenage Pregnancies (RPT)
With funding from NORAD/SCI, FAWEMA implemented Reducing Teenage Pregnancies in 5 districts in Malawi namely, Machinga, Mchinji, Phalombe, Balaka and Ntcheu.
Promotion of Girls Education through Early Grade Reading Activity
The objective of the project was to improve the reading skills of learners and enhance the learning environment and self-efficacy...
Keeping Girls in School – Improving School Experience and Environment
With funding from DFID through Save the Children, FAWEMA from October 2014 to June 2017 implemented a project called Keeping Girls in School –Improving School Experience and Environment.
Keeping Girls in School- Cash Transfer
With funding from DFID through Save the Children, FAWEMA from October 2014 to June 2018 implemented a project called Keeping Girls in School – Cash Transfer. The project was implemented in 10 districts but FAWEMA ...
Keeping Girls in School- Cash Transfer
With funding from DFID through Save the Children, FAWEMA from October 2014 to June 2018 implemented a project called Keeping Girls in School – Cash Transfer. The project was implemented in 10 districts , but FAWEMA...
Support to Gender Responsive Programming Services for Secondary Schools in Malawi
FAWEMA was contracted by UNICEF to provide capacity-building services in gender-responsive pedagogy (GRP) for teachers in public secondary schools in Malawi. The contract will run from January to December 2021.