Aspire was a 4 year –USAID funded project implemented in Balaka and Machinga districts from December 2014 to December 2018. The aim was to promote girl child education by breaking all barriers to education at the community and school levels. The following activities were done under this project.
- Trained 263 MG in Zomba, 182 MGs in Machinga, and 168 MGs in Balaka on the roles, responsibilities, guidance and support, IGA, and community linkages. In total trained 613 Mother Groups.
- Trained 126 Mother group members from 42 secondary schools on making reusable sanitary pads and provision Sewing machines to the Mother Groups.
- Facilitated re-entry of teen mothers into school
- Developed manuals on female role modeling and male champions, on youth-centered interactive teaching. Oriented all female teachers in the intervention schools on role modeling.
- Established District Girls Education Network