FAWEMA in partnership with Plan International and SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) is implementing a 5 year advocacy program from January 2021 – 2025. The project is being funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Netherlands. The project is being implemented in 9 countries namely, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.
In Malawi, it is implemented in Traditional Authority Njewa in Lilongwe rural west and Traditional Authority Chiwalo in Machinga, with National level interventions.
The aim is for adolescents to exercise their right to live free from Teenage Pregnancy (TP) and Child Marriage (CM), supported by civil society. The project targets both in school and out of school youth aged 10-24.
Some of the interventions under FAWEMA include, engagement meetings with policyholders like Directors in the Ministry of Education, Gender, Health, members of parliament from the education committee in parliament to increase budget allocation towards education after a thorough analysis of the national budget, role modeling and mentorship etc.